New Royksopp Music Clip…
A truly inspiring piece of work from one of my electronica favs.
A truly inspiring piece of work from one of my electronica favs.
Here’s some footage from a recent Blue Cross campaign we shot with two Red Ones and a Phantom HD camera.
A year or so ago, I was inspired to work on a bit of visual poetry.
What else are we going to do while we have the Phantom?
Okay, after much contemplation and deliberation I have finally decided to list my ten favorite films of the past year.
But, there’s a dirty little secret nobody wants to talk about — there is not one broadcast or cable station in Louisiana that can or will accept local HD advertising.
This being my first post, I’d like to introduce myself a bit and give a little insight into what kind of content you can expect from me.
Walter D. Teague’s Bantam Special
Sam Dodge has the best movie memorabilia ever locked up inside his King Kong Camera Room.
Meet RED One Camera #83, the first in the Gulf Region